About Vishwabharati Defence Academy (VDA)

Vishwabharati Defence Academy (VDA) (est. 2011) is a premier leadership training institute located in Pune and has residential campuses in hill stations dist pune Maharastra.
VDA is driven by the mission of helping students find illustrious careers in the Indian Armed Forces & serve the nation with élan. VDA wants to empower motivated students of both genders, all age groups and various qualifications to be worthy of joining the prestigious defence forces of India.
Arising from a sense of duty, VDA is a culmination of ideas and vision of a few dedicated Army officers with impeccable careers, spanning decades.

Principal Guiding Statements of the Academy:
We believe that given the right education and grooming, a student from any background can excel and be a leader of men. To this end, Vishwabharati Defence Academy runs various short and long term training programmes at different campuses.
Our Vision:
Be a beacon for the development of leadership through rigorous training to the youth of India.
Our Mission:
To develop the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual quotient of the students and fan the spark of leadership into a blazing fire.
Our Belief:
We believe that given right education and grooming a student from any background can excel and be a leader of men.
Guiding Principle:
To be a leader of men one has to learn to lead oneself. Our endeavour is to groom students as per their innate abilities and help them negotiate challenges intheir lives. We cherish and develop the qualities of Indianness tempered with self-development and modern education.
Students Speaks
Nishant Sharma2021-02-07 Rohan Datta2021-01-02 Siddhav Jaywant2020-10-31 My name is Siddhav Jaywant. I'm studing in Vishwabharati Deffence Academy. And I have completed the Six month teacher will teach very very well . And i think my dream is complete very sure. I'm only waiting for offline classes 🇮🇳 Jai Hind 🇮🇳 Dharshan Kumar2020-10-31 🇮🇳Jai hind🇮🇳, I am Dharshan kumar , A student of vishwabharati defence academy. this is a excellent academy for defense training, the teaching is highly informativ , they give individual attention to every student , and there give good space to for developing our personality .The teachers and all the members are very helpful.And I am very glad to join this academy.🌹 Tejas thokal2020-10-31 Hi this is tejas sandip thokal I am the student of Vishwabharati Defence academy and I am glad to have in this academy. this is a good academy the way of teaching is good attention is give to every student and all student have to speak in class. I am sure that I will achieve my dream of NDA to join NDA. the exam is conducted evey week and reasult of every student are shown to parents and then the sir interact with parents to overcome the problem faceing by the student this is a very good to achieve our dream thank you. Om Lad2020-10-31 Hello, my name is Om Lad. Currently I am studying in vishwabharti defence academy. I want to suggest who are interested to join defence or want to serve our country ...pls join vishwabharti academy..this is the best platform to prepare ourselve for NDA..best teachers cum mentors, best teaching quality highly qualified faculties. Highly recommended..Thank you Sarang Kadam2020-10-31 I am Sarang kadam I am studying in Vishwabharati Defence Academy from last 2 months. The teacher are very good in teaching . They give motivate us for achieving our goals and this is the best way to achieve our goals.